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What can the Amstelzijde Kliniek do for you?

Experts van
meerdere disciplines
Eerlijk, transparant
en persoonlijk advies
Gecombineerde behandelingen
voor optimaal resultaat

The days in which cosmetic medicine was a laughing stock lie far behind us. Today, plastic and cosmetic practitioners are miracle workers in optimising people’s potential and boosting their self-esteem. Nonetheless, the sector knows big quality differences and you must, therefore, be careful which doctor you put your confidence in. At the renowned Amstelzijde Kliniek, however, you are in safe hands. Doctor Hayri Hortoglu has over 20 years of experience and was one of the Netherlands’ pioneers in the field of injectables. Today, he and his team are a top reference in this field, as well as highly skilled in skin therapy and plastic surgery. 

“There are many misconceptions about what we do,” explains Dr Hortoglu. “People often think cosmetic medicine is an ‘on-demand’ treatment; that we do whatever our clients ask us to, but that is far from true. At the Amstelzijde Kliniek, we won’t perform any procedure that we don’t believe will benefit our client. In fact, what we are most praised for is our ability to work as naturally as possible. We improve people’s existing features and accentuate their strengths. We don’t make people, but we improve individuals!”

Hayri Hortoglu.

Botox and fillers

Founded ten years ago, the Amstelzijde Kliniek was one of the first cosmetic medicine institutions in the Amsterdam region that focused solely on injectables. To date, that is still its foremost speciality. “Injectables are way more versatile than most people think. They are not just used to straighten out wrinkles or to give lips more volume, but they also play a part in performing so-called liquid facelifts or even earlobe rejuvenations.”

While the Amstelzijde Kliniek uses eight different sorts of injectables, they categorise them into two different types. Most famous are the Botuline Toxine treatments (better known as Botox). This is a muscle relaxer which helps you get rid of wrinkles on the forehead and crow’s feet, but can also be used to give your jawline or neck its youthful glow back, for example. Secondly, you’ve got fillers. “As you grow older, you lose more and more baby fat, because of which your skin might sag or hang a bit. By filling up these spaces, you regain your natural, healthy curves.”

Injectables, skin therapy and plastic surgery

Today, the Amstelzijde Kliniek does way more than just injectables, though. As experts in cosmetic medicine as a whole, the team also counts an in-house plastic surgeon and a team of skin therapists. “We provide custom-made solutions for people who want to look better, and that can’t always be done with injectables alone. By adding skin therapy and plastic surgery into the mix, we create a new range of possibilities. Sometimes, a combination of a bit of filler, some laser therapy and a surgical intervention solves a problem better than treating it from one angle only.” As the surgical procedures require highly-specialised equipment, the actual surgery takes place in a nearby hospital. Here, as well, the Amstelzijde Kliniek guarantees the same top-notch service and quality as in its proper clinic.

Personal preparation process

Holding ethical and medical values and guidelines in the highest regard, the Amstelzijde Kliniek’s clients go through a thorough, personal and non-binding preparation process before starting the actual cosmetic procedure. “First, we get you an appointment for a consultation and register you on our system. Here, we also double-check your age, as we don’t treat minors. During this free consultation, we listen to your wishes and propose the best possible course of action for your specific needs. We also ask about your medical history to prevent any unpleasant surprises later. If both you and we are convinced that a certain treatment (or combination of treatments) is the way to go, we plan the actual procedure. If one of us is not quite sure, however, we might suggest a cooling-off-period or a second consultation before proceeding.” Dr Hortoglu and his team always discuss the options of less-invasive cosmetic procedures or even the option of not intervening at all, as well. “Cosmetic medicine is not about making profit. We want to make our clients feel happy and confident. For that, it is paramount that they know all their options.”

State-of-the-art material

In its skin therapy practice, the Amstelzijde Kliniek uses nothing but the best, state-of-the-art material. As a board member of the Dutch Aesthetic Laser Association and a founding member of the Dutch Association for Cosmetic Medicine (NVCG), Dr Hortoglu is an expert on innovative technologies in the field. “That doesn’t mean we follow every trend that pops up. Before we invest in something, this technique has to prove itself. Trends are volatile and, as we work with people, we don’t want to take any unnecessary risks, we only use solid, trustworthy technologies.” And those, the Amstelzijde Kliniek has aplenty. Each of them serves a different purpose, from skin improvement to tattoo removal.


The clientele of the Amstelzijde Kliniek is a very diverse group. Although the lion’s share is female, more and more men are finding their way to the clinic, as well. The age of patients also varies from 20 to 93. “We also have return costumers aplenty. Sometimes, I jokingly call myself a cosmetic general practitioner.” The main reasons why people keep coming back are the personal service, the high level of expertise and their transparency. During the first consultations, the doctors inform every client about what’s awaiting them and exactly how much it will cost. In fact, the clinic has published a complete price list on its website, as well. “Knowing my clients longer and better does, also, help me to assess their expectations with more precision. You know what is important to them and how you can improve their lives. And that is what satisfies me the most.”

BRON : https://www.discoverbenelux.com/what-can-the-amstelzijde-kliniek-do-for-you/
